Update Ingress after Upgrading Kubernetis cluster version


I've got 2 k8 clusters on 1.19 and 1.16 versions. It's need to be updated to 1.22. And from documentation I found that Ingress API changed for 1.22 (extensions/v1beta1 deprecated)

Cluster contains allot of ingress with extensions/v1beta1 API. How I can update them during k8 upgrade process?

-- Alex

1 Answer


Before version 1.20 there was kubectl convert command, which was used to convert to non-depracted APIs. However, it was removed in 1.20 <sup>[reference]</sup>, and now lives as a plugin for kubectl.

Instructions on how to install this plugin are available here.

You have to update your manifest files with kubectl convert, and reapply them with kubectl apply.

As of today, there is no other way to update resources to newer API versions.

-- p10l
Source: StackOverflow