I tried to update consumer configuration (ackWait option) and ended up with following message in logs:
Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Consumer", Namespace:"ns1", Name:"cons1", UID:"cb9f7ad4-35a2-478b-b685-51bbf143dcd7", APIVersion:"jetstream.nats.io/v1beta1", ResourceVersion:"89879874", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Warning' reason: 'Updating' Consumer updates ("cons1" on "stream1") are not allowed, recreate to update
I am not sure how to read it. Is it a matter of my configuration (and how can I check and adjust it) or maybe updating configuration is not allowed at all by design (and NACK can be used only to create new streams/consumers and not for updating them)?
Here is my yaml file with stream and consumer:
apiVersion: jetstream.nats.io/v1beta1
kind: Stream
name: stream1
name: stream1
subjects: ["EVENTS.>"]
storage: file
retention: interest
apiVersion: jetstream.nats.io/v1beta1
kind: Consumer
name: cons1
streamName: stream1
durableName: cons1
deliverPolicy: new
filterSubject: EVENTS.>
maxDeliver: 20
ackPolicy: explicit
ackWait: 5s