In a Kubernetes operator code, I have a snippet that gets/lists obj for the given object key from the Kubernetes Cluster
if err := sdk.List(context.TODO(), listObj, listOpts...); err != nil {
e := fmt.Errorf("failed to list [%s] due to [%s]", listObj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().Kind, err.Error())
logger.Error(e, e.Error(), "name", drd.Name, "namespace", drd.Namespace)
The get and list are part of the reader interface
package client
type Reader interface {
// Get retrieves an obj for the given object key from the Kubernetes Cluster.
// obj must be a struct pointer so that obj can be updated with the response
// returned by the Server.
Get(ctx context.Context, key ObjectKey, obj Object) error
// List retrieves list of objects for a given namespace and list options. On a
// successful call, Items field in the list will be populated with the
// result returned from the server.
List(ctx context.Context, list ObjectList, opts ...ListOption) error
I am wondering how do I test the use case where this method throws an error. I am using minikube to run this, but I am not able to test this scenario. Any pointers would be helpful.