Not able to access EKS LoadBalancer external IP (link) of Mongo Express service


I am trying to deploy Moongo Express - MongoDB on EKS cluster. I have running pods of MongoDB and MongoExpress on EKS cluster. I have created internal service for MongoDB and external service for MongoExpress. Following is the description of my mongo-express-service:

enter image description here

How do I access the given url? I tried using the URL in browser (http://url:8081) but no output. It says site can't be reached. I have tried similar experiment on minikube. In minikube it generates and IP with port number which is accessible through the browser and I get mongo-express UI on the screen. In minikube I use following command to run:

minikube service mongo-express-service

What command I have to run to get it running in case of aws url? This is my first week of learning Kubernetes. I am probably missing something major here. Please let me know what wrong I am doing here.

-- sandeep.ganage

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