Accessing External IP on WAN from inside docker container, moving from docker compose to kubernetes


I have a docker container which is part of a micro service architecture, all part of the same docker compose file. This architecture provides logging, configuration and database services. From inside this docker container I want to connect to an external rabbit queue, located on the WAN, which I do not own and I cannot amend, all I have are login details etc. I solved the problem with docker compose by using the network_mode:host for this container, which allows me to connect to the external ip address and also connect to the other services via localhost. However when I port this to kubernetes this docker container it fails. I cannot connect to the other microservices using their service name and obviously localhost also fails. Is there a way to access the other services I have, and make http requests to an external none containerised rabbitqueue when running under kubernetes? Any help appreciated, I am new to kubernetes so keeping it simple would be really appreciated.

-- Lee

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