Kuberentes AWS cloud provider


I would like to ask your help , what is the best way to enable cloud-provider aws , I am using kubespray to initate the clusters but always when I got cloud provider to aws is failing so I try to set it up manually after https://cloud-provider-aws.sigs.k8s.io/getting_started/


then , I did the following

adding --cloud-provider=external to both static pods of kube-api and the controller
/etc/kubernetes/manifests# grep cloud *
kube-apiserver.yaml:    - --cloud-provider=external
kube-controller-manager.yaml:    - --configure-cloud-routes=false
kube-controller-manager.yaml:    - --cloud-provider=external

adding it to kubelet

kubelet.env:--cloud-provider=external \

applied the manifest , with the image modfied to


to be sure I rebooted although not required I have always the

aws-cloud-controller-manager-kbjwb 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 16 34m (edited) 


Getting Started - Kubernetes AWS Cloud Provider Documentation for AWS Cloud Provider for Kubernetes

-- Mohamed El Gamal

1 Answer


Did you enable connectivity with AWS with the help of an access key or the secret id? You can also call these using environment variables dynamically using Hashicorp Vault.

-- Srinivas
Source: StackOverflow