How can i increase the client_max_body_size for a Aws Load Balancer


I had deployed an application on EKS, and tried two ways of exposing it for traffic. though ingress is a better approach, I also tried directly exposing the application through a LB.

  1. Load Balancer: When I exposed a service directly through a load balancer, it was unable to receive file sizes greater then 20MB, I was having trouble finding out a way to configure the loadbalancer or the kubernetes service to accept a file of that size. I was always getting "413 Request Entity Too Large Error". Is there a way to configure the LB to accept file sizes more than a specific limit?

  2. Using ingress through nginx-ingress: I was able to configure nginx-ingress to accept file size greater than 25 MB and my application was working properly.

-- Hitesh jain

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