Using Renovate in Kubernetes like Docker-Compose's Watchtower


While looking for a kubernetes equivalent of the docker-compose watchtower container, I stumbled upon renovate. It seems to be a universal tool to update docker tags, dependencies and more.

They also have an example of how to run the service itself inside kubernetes, and I found this blogpost of how to set renovate up to check kubernetes manifests for updates (?).

Now the puzzle piece that I'm missing is some super basic working example that updates a single pod's image tag, and then figuring out how to deploy that in a kubernetes cluster. I feel like there needs to be an example out there somewhere but I can't find it for the life of me.

To explain watchtower:
It monitors all containers running in a docker compose setup and pulls new versions of images once they are available, updating the containers in the process.

-- yspreen

1 Answer


I think there is a confusion regarding what Renovate does.

Renovate updates files inside GIT repositories not on the Kubernetes API server.
The Kubernetes manager which you are probably referencing updates K8 manifests, Helm charts and so on inside of GIT repository.

-- secustor
Source: StackOverflow