Add SCDF (Spring Cloud Data Flow) Application to Bitnami chart generated cluster?


I've used the Bitnami Helm chart to install SCDF into a k8s cluster generated by kOps in AWS.

I'm trying to add my development SCDF stream apps into the installation using a file URI and cannot figure-out where or how the shared Skipper & Server mount point is. exec'ing into either instance there is no /home/cnb and I'm not seeing anything common via mount. The best I can tell the Bitnami installation is using the MariaDB instance for shared "storage".

Is there a recommended way of installing local/dev Stream apps into the cluster?

-- Mike Summers

2 Answers


Building on the previous answer here is what I came-up with: 1. Create an EBS Volume 2. Mount it on each EC2 instance in the cluster at the same location (/cdf) 3. Install CDF using the Bitnami chart and this config file:

      # Locstion in container
    - mountPath: /applications 
      # Refer to the volume below
      name: application-volume
  - name: application-volume
      # Location in host filesystem
      path: /cdf
      # this field is optional
      type: Directory
      # Locstion in container
    - mountPath: /applications 
      # Refer to the volume below
      name: application-volume
  - name: application-volume
      # Location in host filesystem
      path: /cdf
      # this field is optional
      type: Directory

Then I can copy my jars into /cdf on the host file system and install the applications using a file URI of file:///applications/<jar-file-name> and everything works.

-- Mike Summers
Source: StackOverflow


There are a couple of parameters under the deployer section that allows you to mount volumes (link):

   ## @param deployer.volumeMounts Streaming applications extra volume mounts
   volumeMounts: {}
   ## @param deployer.volumes Streaming applications extra volumes
   volumes: {}


Then, the mounted volume is used in the ConfigMaps (both server and skipper):

Apart from that, there are also server.extraVolumes and server.extraVolumeMounts to be set on the Dataflow Server Pod, and skipper.extraVolumes and skipper.extraVolumeMounts to be set on the Skipper Pod just in case it's useful for your use case.

-- Carlos Rodr&#237;guez Hern&#225;ndez
Source: StackOverflow