What is `deployment.apps` in Kubernetes?


I am surprised that nobody has yet asked this, but what exactly is deployment.apps?

I see it often in commands e.g

kubectl rollout pause deployment.apps/nginx-deployment

or even used interchangably for the deployments keyword: kubectl get deployments= kubectl get deployment.apps

I do not understand what it indicates though. Even in K8s official docs, they just take for granted that the reader understands the term.

Could someone please explain it to me?

-- SomeoneSomeoneSomeoneSomeoneSo

1 Answer


Kubernetes API has its different resources (e.g. Pods, Deployments, Ingress) grouped in what they call "api groups" and in the notation deployment.apps - "deployment" is the resource name and the "apps" is the api group name.

Also see the motivation for API groups

-- Jonas
Source: StackOverflow