When I run:
kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase=Running
I see:
k8s-fbd7b 2/2 Running 0 5m5s
testm-45gfg 1/2 Error 0 22h
I don't understand why this command gives me pod that are in Error status?
According to K8S api, there is no such thing STATUS=Error
How can I get only the pods that are in this Error status?
When I run:
kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase=Failed
It tells me that there are no pods in that status.
Using the kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase=Failed
command you can display all Pods in the Failed
means that all containers in the Pod have terminated, and at least one container has terminated in failure (see: Pod phase):
Failed - All containers in the Pod have terminated, and at least one container has terminated in failure. That is, the container either exited with non-zero status or was terminated by the system.
In your example, both Pods are in the Running
phase because at least one container is still running in each of these Pods.:
Running - The Pod has been bound to a node, and all of the containers have been created. At least one container is still running, or is in the process of starting or restarting.
You can check the current phase of Pods using the following command:
$ kubectl get pod -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.status.phase}{"\n"}{end}'
Let's check how this command works:
$ kubectl get pods
app-1 1/2 Error
app-2 0/1 Error
$ kubectl get pod -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.status.phase}{"\n"}{end}'
app-1 Running
app-2 Failed
As you can see, only the app-2
Pod is in the Failed
phase. There is still one container running in the app-1
Pod, so this Pod is in the Running
To list all pods with the Error
status, you can simply use:
$ kubectl get pods -A | grep Error
default app-1 1/2 Error
default app-2 0/1 Error
Additionally, it's worth mentioning that you can check the state of all containers in Pods:
$ kubectl get pod -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.status.containerStatuses[*].state}{"\n"}{end}'
app-1 {"terminated":{"containerID":"containerd://f208e2a1ff08c5ce2acf3a33da05603c1947107e398d2f5fbf6f35d8b273ac71","exitCode":2,"finishedAt":"2021-08-11T14:07:21Z","reason":"Error","startedAt":"2021-08-11T14:07:21Z"}} {"running":{"startedAt":"2021-08-11T14:07:21Z"}}
app-2 {"terminated":{"containerID":"containerd://7a66cbbf73985efaaf348ec2f7a14d8e5bf22f891bd655c4b64692005eb0439b","exitCode":2,"finishedAt":"2021-08-11T14:08:50Z","reason":"Error","startedAt":"2021-08-11T14:08:50Z"}}
You can simply grep the Error pods using the
kubectl get pods --all-namespces | grep Error
Remove all error pods from the cluster
kubectl delete pod `kubectl get pods --namespace <yournamespace> | awk '$3 == "Error" {print $1}'` --namespace <yournamespace>
Mostly Pod failures return explicit error states that can be observed in the status field
Error :
Your pod is crashed, it was able to schedule on node successfully but crashed after that. To debug it more you can use different methods or commands
kubectl describe pod <Pod name > -n <Namespace>
Here is an overkill go-template
based attempt:
kubectl get pods -o go-template='{{range $index, $element := .items}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{range .state }}{{if .reason }}{{if (eq .reason "Error") }}{{$element.metadata.name}} {{$element.metadata.namespace}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}'
job1-stn45 default
My pod status:
k get pod
foo 1/1 Running 1 2d11h
nginx-0 1/1 Running 3 5d10h
nginx-2 1/1 Running 3 5d10h
nginx-1 1/1 Running 3 5d10h
job1-stn45 0/1 Error 0 113m
update-test-27145740-82z7s 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 96m
update-test-27145500-7f2l9 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 5h36m