Difference in running a app inside docker and without docker


What is advantage of using docker in local machine for running app? And difference without using do docker.

-- Anandu Thampi

2 Answers


Reproducibility. No more "works on my machine".

Furthermore, we can deploy all our dependencies (relational database, document-based database, graph-database, messaging-system, ....) through docker (e.g. through a docker-compose file and thus eases development.

Another advantage is that - in case we deploy to a container-based environment - we can use the exact same images used in production and thus improve dev-prod-parity.

-- Turing85
Source: StackOverflow


There are a lot of advantages: 1) You can easily install few versions of different software without any collisions (e.g. 10 versions of MongoDB). 2) As previous commentator said - it creates isolated environment similar to your production (the only difference is the actual number of resources, such as CPU/GPU/RAM/etc.). 3) Easy setup for new developers (no need to manually install each separate tool and resolve issues with installations/configuration/etc.). 4) Ability to quickly deploy test environments, or new servers, or deploy this app on your brand new laptop)).

-- Crazy Panda
Source: StackOverflow