I have deployed the following resources. 1) kong in kong namespace 2) service echo in poc namespace
```kubectl apply -f https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hbagdi/0d833181239a39172ba70cbec080bdb9/raw/7f46cf1c9e54562e2c23902daace7ac8edc40427/echo-server.yaml -n poc```
3) Created an ingress with /foo path in poc namespace. Note: /foo is mapped to /echo from echo service.
echo "
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: demo
namespace: poc
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: kong
- http:
- path: /foo
serviceName: echo
servicePort: 80
" | kubectl -n poc apply -f -
4) Created the kong plugin
kind: KongPlugin
name: default.rate-limiting
namespace: poc
minute: 3
policy: local
plugin: rate-limiting" | kubectl apply -f -
5) Patched the service with the default.rate-limiting
kubectl patch -n poc svc echo -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"konghq.com/plugins":
As per above logic, 3 request in a minute should be allowed however rate-limiting is not being applied even for more than 3 requests in a minute.
i not sure which model you are using for Kong with DB or DB less.
First, i would suggest you trying out once Konga which is a dashboard for Kong to manage instead of managing using files.
Read more at : https://faun.pub/kong-api-gateway-with-konga-dashboard-ae95b6d1fec7
On rate limit, I have faced the same issue with policy type local as it's don't use any type of database in the background.
there is open issue on GitHub : https://github.com/Kong/kong/issues/5311
try using the Redis once in the background with rate limiting and test a few scenarios changing the request by seconds and minutes.