How to mass insert keys in redis running as pod in kubernetes


I have referred to and tried the Luke protocol, and did

cat data.txt | redis-cli -a <pass> -h <events-k8s-service> --pipe-timeout 100 > /dev/null

The redirection to /dev/null is to ignore the replies. The CLIENT REPLY of redis can't serve its purpose here from CLI and it may turn into a blocking command.

The data.txt has around 18 Million records/commands like

SET key1 '"field1":"val1","field2":"val2","field3":"val3","field4":"val4","field5":val5,"field6":val6'
SET key2 '"field1":"val1","field2":"val2","field3":"val3","field4":"val4","field5":val5,"field6":val6'

This command is executed from a cronJob which execs into the redis pod, and executes the above command from within the pod, to understand the footprint, the redis pod had no resources limit and following are the observation:

Keys loaded: 18147292
Time taken: ~31 minutes
Peak CPU:  2063 m 
Peak Memory:  4745 Mi

The resources consumed are way too high and the time taken is too long.

The questions:

  1. How do we load mass load data of the order 50 Million keys using redis pipe, is there an alternate approach to this problem ?
  2. Is there a golang/python library that does the same mass loading efficiently(less time , little footprint of mem and cpu) ?
  3. Do we need to fine tune redis here ?

The help is appreciated, Thanks in advance.

-- Aswin A.B.

1 Answer


If you are using the redis-cli inside the pod to move the millions of key into Redis POD won't be able to handle it.

Also, you have not specified any resources that you are giving to Redis however it's a memory store so it will be better to give proper memory to redis 2-3 GB depends on usegae.

You can try out the Redis-riot :

to add data into the Redis.

There is also good video across loading the Big foot data into the redis :

Do we need to fine tune redis here.

Increase the memory for redis if it's getting OOMkilled.

-- Harsh Manvar
Source: StackOverflow