I have the application properties defined for each environment inside a config folder.
When i'm trying to deploy the application in dev, i need to create configmap by considering the applicaiton-dev.yml with a name application.yml.
When i'm trying to deploy the application in dit i need to create configmap by considering the application-dit.yml. But the name of the file should be always application.yml inside the configmap.
Any suggestions?
When using helm to manage projects, different values.yaml files are generally used to distinguish between different environments (development/pre-release/online).
Suppose your configmap file is as follows:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ $.Values.cm.name }}
application.yml : |-
{{ $.Files.Get {{ $.Values.cm.path }} | nindent 4 }}
In dev, define values-dev.yaml file
name: test
path: config/application-dev.yml
When you install the chart in dev, you can use the following command:
helm install test . -f values-dev.yaml
In dit, define values-dit.yaml file
name: test
path: config/application-dit.yml
When you install the chart in dit, you can use the following command:
helm install test . -f values-dit.yaml