I am using the helm chart for gitlab runner in a Kubernetes Cluster and need to pass environment variables to my Kubernetes Runner to allow him to download for example content from s3 cache. Unfortunately it does not work. Anyone any solutions for me ?
my values.yaml:
gitlabUrl: https://example.com
image: default-docker/gitlab-runner:alpine-v14.0.1
runnerRegistrationToken: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: "k8runner-secret"
create: true
config: |
environment = ["http_proxy: http://webproxy.comp.db.de:8080", "https_proxy: http://webproxy:comp:db:de:8080", "no_proxy: \"localhost\""]
image = "default-docker/ubuntu:16.04"
cpu_request = "500m"
memory_request = "1Gi"
namespace = "gitlab"
Type = "s3"
Path = "cachepath"
Shared = true
ServerAddress = "s3.amazonaws.com"
BucketName = "exampleBucket"
BucketLocation = "eu-west-1"
Insecure = false
tags: "test"
locked: true
name: "k8s-runner"
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 500m
memory: 250m
cpu: 50m
http_proxy: http://webproxy.comp.db.de:8080
https_proxy: http://webproxy:comp:db:de:8080
no_proxy: "localhost"
config.template.toml located on the pod:
image = "default-docker/ubuntu:16.04"
cpu_request = "500m"
memory_request = "1Gi"
namespace = "gitlab"
Type = "s3"
Path = "cachepath"
Shared = true
ServerAddress = "s3.amazonaws.com"
BucketName = "exampleBucket"
BucketLocation = "eu-west-1"
Insecure = false
config.toml located on the pod:
concurrent = 10
check_interval = 30
log_level = "info"
listen_address = ':9252'
It looks for me that he is not adding the environment variables. If I enter the env cmd I also can't find the environment variables.
I am thankful for every helping hand