Kubenetes AWS EKS are assigning all pods into only one node while leaving the other node free



I have an EKS cluster with 2 nodes (t3.small). The cluster is having several pods including:

  • 1 pod for web frontend
  • 1 pod for backend
  • AWS ALB controller
  • External DNS

Current behavior:

  • All backend and web frontend pods + other AWS ALB pods (cert-manager, cert-manager-cainjector, cert-manager-webhook, app-backend-deployment, app-frontend-deployment, external-dns, aws-load-balancer-controller, etc. - 11 pods in total) are all allocated into 1 single node.
  • The other node is only running 2 pods (aws-node & kube-proxy), meaning no application nodes are assigned to.
  • Consequence: One node is frequently down or goes to non-ready status due to CPU/memory shortage, while the other is completely free and not being used.

Desired behavior (or my opinionated expected behavior): The pods should be allocated more equally.

Am I missing anything in the configuration?

-- haotang

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