Windows Containers: Telegraf as sidecar doesn't see IIS(w3wp)


I'm moving my ASP.NET application from Virtual Machines to Kubernetes+Docker(Windows Server 2019). One of the important things for me is monitoring. In VM-based installation, I use telegraf and I decided to use in the new approach as well

Not to overload the main container, I'm deploying Telegraf as a sidecar using Nanoserver. However, even though I have the following piece in my telegraf.conf

      ObjectName = ".NET CLR Memory"
      Instances = [
      Counters = [
        "Gen 0 heap size",
        "Gen 1 heap size",
        "Gen 2 heap size",
        "Large Object Heap size",
        "% Time in GC"
      Measurement = "dotnet"

and there is w3wp process running in the main container. Telegraf doesn't see its performance counters

I've not found any good articles out there about such kind of setup. So I'm looking for an advice if what I'm trying to do is possible and what I'm missing in my configuration to make Telegraf see metrics from other containers in the pod

-- Dmitry Senin

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