NodeJS capture/read output of process.stdout


I am trying to process the output of a specific function that uses process.stdout / process.stdin to print the commands results to the terminal. To be more specific, this Kubernetes function with this usage:

const exec = new k8s.Exec(kc);
exec.exec('default', 'nginx-4217019353-9gl4s', 'nginx', command,
    process.stdout, process.stderr, process.stdin,
    true /* tty */,
    (status) => {
        console.log('Exited with status:');
        console.log(JSON.stringify(status, null, 2));

While the function above may print something like that to the terminal:

Everything is up.
Time running: 5min 23sec.

Exited with status:
  "metadata": {},
  "status": "Success"

My goal is to capture

Everything is up.
Time running: 5min 23sec.

in a variable so that I can process it further.

-- Leschge

1 Answer


Creating an own stream object instead of using the one from process / console works good.

var Stream = require('stream');
var ws = new Stream;
ws.writable = true;
ws.str = "";
ws.str = 0;

ws.string = function(){
  return ws.str;

ws.clearStr = function(){
  ws.str = "";

ws.write = function(buf) {
  ws.str += buf.toString();
  ws.bytes += buf.length;

ws.end = function(buf) {
   if(arguments.length) ws.write(buf);
   ws.writable = false;

async function kubeExec(ns, pod, container, cmd){
  ret = new Promise((resolve,reject) =>{
    execV1Api.exec(ns,pod,container,cmd, ws, process.stderr , process.stdin,true /* tty */,
      async function(ret){
          if(ret.status == "Success"){
          } else {
            console.log(JSON.stringify(status, null, 2));

  return ret.then( (str) => { return str;} );
-- Leschge
Source: StackOverflow