Backup Kubernetes PV/PVC to Local Disk w/o using CSI?


I'm looking for to create a local backup for PV/PVC in K8s, then restore. (Not using any CSI)

Have tried VolumeSnapshot in k8s, but it creates a in-cluster backup, and what I need is a local copy, so I can archive it and move around. Also found some 3p tools like Stash/Velero/Kasten, but not sure if any of them fits my target.

Can someone point me to the correct document to look at, or if that's all possible? Thanks!

-- FrozenBeef

1 Answer


Looks like the 3rd party tools mentioned by you should be the best fit, especially Velero because as per this post:

Velero is a backup tool not only focused on volumes backups, it also allows you to backup all your cluster (pods, services, volumes,…) with a sorting system by labels or Kubernetes objects.

Stash is a tool only focused on volume backups.

To get more information on using Velero and its newest features you can visit the official documentation site and this website.

-- Jakub Siemaszko
Source: StackOverflow