I want to create a cluster under EKS in a version that got recently deprecated 1.15
to test something version specific.
my below command is failing
eksctl create cluster --name playgroundkubernetes --region us-east-1 --version 1.15 --nodegroup-name standard-workers --node-type t2.medium --managed
is there a workaround where i can create a cluster in version 1.15
No it's not possible to create a brand new EKS cluster with a deprecated version. The only option would be to deploy your own cluster (DIY) with something like KOPS or the like.
In addition to mreferre's comment, if you're trying to just create a Kubernetes cluster and don't need it to be in AWS, you could use Kind (https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start/) or similar to create something much more quickly and probably more cheaply.