I created an aks behind a firewall following the documentation from: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/limit-egress-traffic#restrict-egress-traffic-using-azure-firewall
The only difference is that I create a cluster with a confidential computation VM with size Standard_DC2s_v2. The error is when Verifying sgx-plugins pods
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kube-system sgx-plugin-r6mmr 0/1 Init:CrashLoopBackOff 5 4m54s
kube-system sgx-webhook-787f99b5dc-qh2d5 0/1 Init:CrashLoopBackOff 4 5m50
How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):
Define a set of environment variables to be used in resource creations.
Create Resource Group
az group create --name $RG --location $LOC
Create a virtual network with two subnets to host the AKS cluster and the Azure Firewall. Each will have their own subnet. Let's start with the AKS network.
az network vnet create
--resource-group $RG
--name $VNET_NAME
--location $LOC
--subnet-name $AKSSUBNET_NAME
Dedicated subnet for Azure Firewall (Firewall name cannot be changed)
az network vnet subnet create
--resource-group $RG
--vnet-name $VNET_NAME
Create and set up an Azure Firewall with a UDR Create three standard SKU public IP resource that will be used as the Azure Firewall frontend address.
az network public-ip create -g $RG -n $FWPUBLICIP_NAME -l $LOC --sku "Standard"
Install Azure Firewall preview CLI extension
az extension add --name azure-firewall
Deploy Azure Firewall
az network firewall create -g $RG -n $FWNAME -l $LOC --enable-dns-proxy true
Configure Firewall IP Config
az network firewall ip-config create -g $RG -f $FWNAME -n $FWIPCONFIG_NAME --public- ip-address $FWPUBLICIP_NAME --vnet-name $VNET_NAME
Capture Firewall IP Address for Later Use
FWPRIVATE_IP=$(az network firewall show -g $RG -n $FWNAME --query "ipConfigurations[0].privateIpAddress" -o tsv)
FWPUBLIC_IP_ID=$(az network firewall show -g $RG -n $FWNAME --query "ipConfigurations[0].publicIpAddress.id" -o tsv)
FWPUBLIC_IP=$(az network public-ip show --ids $FWPUBLIC_IP_ID --query "ipAddress" -o tsv)
FWPUBLIC_IP=$(az network public-ip show -g $RG -n $FWPUBLICIP_NAME --query "ipAddress" -o tsv)
Create UDR and add a route for Azure Firewall
az network route-table create -g $RG -l $LOC --name $FWROUTE_TABLE_NAME
az network route-table route create -g $RG --name $FWROUTE_NAME --route-table-name $FWROUTE_TABLE_NAME
--address-prefix --next-hop-type VirtualAppliance --next-hop-ip-address $FWPRIVATE_IP
az network route-table route create -g $RG --name $FWROUTE_NAME_INTERNET --route-table-name $FWROUTE_TABLE_NAME
--address-prefix $FWPUBLIC_IP/32 --next-hop-type Internet
Add FW Network Rules needed for aks
az network firewall network-rule create -g $RG -f $FWNAME --collection-name 'aksfwnr' -n 'apiudp'
--protocols 'UDP' --source-addresses '' --destination-addresses "AzureCloud.$LOC"
--destination-ports 1194 --action allow --priority 100
az network firewall network-rule create -g $RG -f $FWNAME --collection-name 'aksfwnr' -n 'apitcp'
--protocols 'TCP' --source-addresses '' --destination-addresses "AzureCloud.$LOC"
--destination-ports 9000
az network firewall network-rule create -g $RG -f $FWNAME --collection-name 'aksfwnr' -n 'time'
--protocols 'UDP' --source-addresses '*' --destination-fqdns 'ntp.ubuntu.com' --destination-ports 123
az network firewall network-rule create -g $RG -f $FWNAME --collection-name 'aksfwnr' -n 'dnsserver'
--protocols 'UDP' --source-addresses '*' --destination-fqdns --destination-ports 53
Add FW Application Rules
az network firewall application-rule create -g $RG -f $FWNAME --collection-name 'aksfwar' -n 'fqdn'
--source-addresses '*' --protocols 'http=80' 'https=443' --fqdn-tags "AzureKubernetesService"
--action allow --priority 100
Inspect the final firewall
az network firewall show -g $RG -n $FWNAME
Associate the route table to AKS Associate route table with next hop to Firewall to the AKS subnet
az network vnet subnet update -g $RG --vnet-name $VNET_NAME --name $AKSSUBNET_NAME --route-table $FWROUTE_TABLE_NAME
Deploy AKS with outbound type of UDR to the existing network Create SP and Assign Permission to Virtual Network
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "${PREFIX}sp" --skip-assignment
it will return an exit like: { "appId": "xxxxx", "displayName": "xxx", "name": "xxx", "password": "xxxx", "tenant": "xxx" }
Now replace the APPID and PASSWORD below with the service principal appid and service principal password autogenerated by the previous command output. We'll reference the VNET resource ID to grant the permissions to the service principal so AKS can deploy resources into it. Assign SP Permission to VNET
az role assignment create --assignee $APPID --scope $VNETID --role "Network Contributor"
Deploy AKS Set the value for the subnet ID
SUBNETID=$(az network vnet subnet show -g $RG --vnet-name $VNET_NAME --name $AKSSUBNET_NAME --query id -o tsv)
Create aks confidential computing cluster
az aks create -g $RG -n $AKSNAME -l $LOC
--node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys
--network-plugin $PLUGIN
--outbound-type userDefinedRouting
--vnet-subnet-id $SUBNETID
--service-principal $APPID
--client-secret $PASSWORD
--api-server-authorized-ip-ranges $FWPUBLIC_IP/32
--enable-addon confcom
Add pool node
az aks nodepool add --cluster-name $AKSNAME --resource-group $RG --name confcompool1 --node-vm-size Standard_DC2s_v2 --node-count 1
Check the node list
az aks nodepool list --cluster-name $AKSNAME --resource-group $RG
Retrieve your IP address
use any that works
CURRENT_IP=$(dig @resolver1.opendns.com ANY myip.opendns.com +short)
CURRENT_IP=$(curl checkip.amazonaws.com)
CURRENT_IP=$(curl ifconfig.me)
CURRENT_IP=$(curl icanhazip.com)
CURRENT_IP=$(curl ipecho.net/plain)
CURRENT_IP=$(curl ifconfig.co)
Add to AKS approved list (better add it on the azure console for not to remove others access)
az aks update -g $RG -n $AKSNAME --api-server-authorized-ip-ranges $FWPUBLIC_IP/32,$CURRENT_IP/32
Use the az aks get-credentials command to configure kubectl to connect to your newly created Kubernetes cluster.
az aks get-credentials -g $RG -n $AKSNAME
Verify nodes
kubectl get nodes
aks-confcompool1-15977364-vmss000000 Ready agent 6m37s v1.19.11
aks-nodepool1-15977364-vmss000000 Ready agent 18m v1.19.11
Verify sgx-plugins pods
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kube-system sgx-plugin-8n6bj 0/1 Init:CrashLoopBackOff 5 5m42s
kube-system sgx-webhook-787f99b5dc-mwfps 0/1 Init:CrashLoopBackOff 7 18m