Need help in configuring a simple TLS/SSL within k8s cluster for pod to pod communication over https


Need help on how to configure TLS/SSL on k8s cluster for internal pod to pod communication over https. Able to curl http://servicename:port over http but for https i am ending up with NSS error on client pod.

I generated a self signed cert with CN=*.svc.cluster.local (As all the services in k8s end with this) and i am stuck on how to configure it on k8s.

Note: i exposed the main svc on 8443 port and i am doing this in my local docker desktop setup on windows machine.

1) No Ingress --> Because communication happens within the cluster itself. 2) Without any CRD(custom resource definition) cert-manager

-- krishna chaitanya jinka

1 Answer


You can store your self-signed certificate inside the secret of Kubernetes and mount it to the volume of the pod.

If you don't want to use the CRD or cert-manager you can use the native Kubernetes API to generate the Certificate which will be trusted by all the pods by default.

managing the self singed certificate across all pods and service might be hard I would suggest using the service mesh. Service mesh encrypts the network traffic using the mTLS.,TLS%20connections%20between%20Linkerd%20proxies.

Mutual TLS between service to service communication managed by the Side car containers in case of service mesh.

in this case, No ingress required and no cert-manager required.

-- Harsh Manvar
Source: StackOverflow