Kubernetes Nodes are not accepting FQDN


When I deploy a kubernetes cluster and add hosts, I see that one of the host is picking up short name where as other hosts are picking up full name. Any suggestion for potential reasons for the same.

kubectl get nodes
NAME             STATUS     ROLES    AGE     VERSION

h01dn02.hadoop   Ready      worker   28h     v1.18.6

h01dn03.hadoop   Ready      worker   6d11h   v1.18.6

h01dn04.hadoop   Ready      worker   6d11h   v1.18.6

h01dn05.hadoop   Ready      worker   6d11h   v1.18.6

h01dn06          Ready      worker   2d21h   v1.18.6 # one without full name

h01dn08.hadoop   Ready      worker   6d11h   v1.18.6

h01dn10.hadoop   Ready      master   39h     v1.18.6

h01dn11.hadoop   Ready      master   39h     v1.18.6

h01hn01.hadoop   Ready      master   6d11h   v1.18.6
-- Ashish Kumar

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