How can I clear the container related to (kubernetes)k8s?


After I tried to install Clara Deploy SDK, some k8s containers appeared. Now I want to delete these containers but they keep showing up. How can i do this?

I have try to this answer, but not work.

container list:

enter image description here

-- Linminxiang

1 Answer


Listed containers are core components of Kubernetes cluster. Removing those will completely destroy your cluster.
You have been warned

Do not use docker ps to view Kubernetes resources. Use kubectl tool e.g.

kubectl get pods

to view pods, or

kubectl get pods -o jsonpath="{.items[*].spec.containers[*].name}"

to view names of running containers (pods and containers are not the same thing in Kubernetes).

There are clear instructions on how to uninstall Clara. You should follow these. Also official documentation dissuade manual removal of Clara Deploye components:

We do not recommend manually deleting Clara Deploy components; the script will delete all necessary binaries and stop all Clara Deploy containers.

However, if for some reason, you still want to remove mentioned containers read on.

As far as I am aware, Clara Deploy SDK default installation uses helm to deploy K8s resources. So you can use helm to remove containers permanently.

to list installed helm charts:

helm list

the following helm charts should be returned: <sup>[source]</sup>

  • clara
  • clara-dicom-adapter
  • clara-monitor-server
  • clara-render-server
  • clara-console

to uninstall charts

helm uninstall <chart-name>
-- p10l
Source: StackOverflow