kubectl top nodes<br>
NAME CPU(cores) CPU% MEMORY(bytes) MEMORY%<br>
gsdjsgfhdsgfz-12345665-jisj000000 934m 24% 10439Mi 82%<br>
gsdjsgfhdsgfz-12345665-jisj000001 717m 18% 9132Mi 72%<br>
gsdjsgfhdsgfz-12345665-jisj000002 1099m 28% 7614Mi 60%<br>
how to get the CPU% and MEMORY% value using java io.fabric8 kubernetes-client library.
try (KubernetesClient k8s = new DefaultKubernetesClient()) {
NodeMetricsList nodeMetricsList = k8s.top().nodes().metrics();
for (NodeMetrics nodeMetrics : nodeMetricsList.getItems()) {
logger.info("{} {} {}", nodeMetrics.getMetadata().getName(),
getting output is:-<br> node name<br> cpu:-1094942089n<br> memory:-7830672Ki<br><br>
how will take the percentage values?
I had to implement this same feature recently, unfortunately I didn't find a way to get the percentages just by using the top()
API alone, I had to perform two calls, one to nodes()
in order to retrieve total capacity and another one to top()
to retrieve used capacity. Then it was just a matter of calculating percentage.
A snippet of the working code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
KubernetesClient kubernetesClient = new DefaultKubernetesClient();
Map<String, Node> nodeMap = kubernetesClient.nodes().list().getItems()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(node -> node.getMetadata().getName(), Function.identity()));
List<NodeUsage> usageList = kubernetesClient.top().nodes().metrics().getItems()
.map(metric -> new NodeUsage(nodeMap.get(metric.getMetadata().getName()), metric.getUsage()))
private static class NodeUsage {
private final Node node;
private final BigDecimal cpuPercentage;
private final BigDecimal memoryPercentage;
private NodeUsage(Node node, Map<String, Quantity> used) {
this.node = node;
cpuPercentage = calculateUsage(used.get("cpu"), node.getStatus().getAllocatable().get("cpu"));
memoryPercentage = calculateUsage(used.get("memory"), node.getStatus().getAllocatable().get("memory"));
private static BigDecimal calculateUsage(Quantity used, Quantity total) {
return Quantity.getAmountInBytes(used)
.divide(Quantity.getAmountInBytes(total), 2, RoundingMode.FLOOR)
public Node getNode() {
return node;
public BigDecimal getCpuPercentage() {
return cpuPercentage;
public BigDecimal getMemoryPercentage() {
return memoryPercentage;