Spark on Kubernetes - Failing to pass typesafe application.conf to driver and executor pods


We are migrating our Spark workloads from Cloudera to Kubernetes.

For demo purposes, we wish to run one of our spark jobs within a minikube cluster using spark-submit in cluster mode.

I would like to pass a typesafe application.conf file as a java option to both driver and executor jvms using the spark.driver.defaultJavaOptions and spark.executor.defaultJavaOptions --conf

The configuration file has been copied to the spark docker image at build time at the /opt/spark/config directory. The same docker image is used to run driver and executor pods.

application.conf is passed as follows:

    --conf spark.driver.defaultJavaOptions="-Dconfig.file=file://${POD_CONFIG_DIR}/application.conf $JAVA_ARGS" \
    --conf spark.executor.defaultJavaOptions="-Dconfig.file=file://${POD_CONFIG_DIR}/application.conf" \

where ${POD_CONFIG_DIR} is /opt/spark/config

My job doesn't work correctly, actually it takes the default values existing into reference.conf file. I have no io FileNotFoundExceptions though. What could I be missing ? Thank you in advance.

Here is my full spark-submit command

spark-submit \
        --master k8s:// \
        --driver-memory ${SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY} --executor-memory ${SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY} \
        --deploy-mode cluster \
        --class "${MAIN_CLASS}" \
        --conf spark.driver.defaultJavaOptions="-Dconfig.file=file://${POD_CONFIG_DIR}/application.conf $JAVA_ARGS" \
        --conf spark.executor.defaultJavaOptions="-Dconfig.file=file://${POD_CONFIG_DIR}/application.conf" \
        --conf spark.executor.instances=5 \
        --conf spark.kubernetes.container.image=$SPARK_CONTAINER_IMAGE \
        --conf spark.kubernetes.authenticate.driver.serviceAccountName=spark \
        --conf spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=512M \
        --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=8192M \
        --conf spark.kubernetes.authenticate.caCertFile=$HOME/.minikube/ca.crt \
        --conf spark.executor.extraClassPath="./" \
        local:///path/to/uber/jar/file.jar \
        "${PROG_ARGS[@]}" > $LOG_FILE 2>&1
-- cnemri

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