Is using deployments to isolate clients in Kubernetes a good idea?


We’re in the process of migrating our aging monolith to a more robust solution and landed on Kubernetes as the most appropriate platform to achieve what we’re looking for. At the same time, we’re looking to split out and isolate our client data for security and improved privacy.

What we’re considering is ultimately having one database per customer, and embedding those connection details into a deployment for each of them. We’d then build a routing service of some kind that would link a client’s request to their respective deployment/service.

Because our individual clients vary wildly in size (we have some that generate thousands of requests per minute, and others that are hundreds per day), we like the option of having the ability to scale them independently through ReplicaSets on the deployments.

However, I have some concerns regarding upper limits of how many deployments can exist/be successfully managed within a cluster, as we’d be looking at potentially hundreds of different clients, which will continue to grow. I also have concerns of costs, and how having dedicated resources (essentially an entire VM) for our smaller clients might impact our budgets.

So my questions are:

  • is this a good idea at all? Why or why not, and if not, are there alternative architectures we could look at to achieve the same thing?
  • is this solution more expensive than it needs to be?

I’d appreciate any insights you could offer, thank you!

-- Chewy

1 Answer


I can think of a couple options for this situations:

  1. Deploying separate clusters for each customer. This also allows you to size your clusters properly for each customers and configure autoscaling accordingly for each of them. The drawback is that each cluster has a management fee of 0.10$ per hour, but you get full guarantee that everything is isolated, and you can use the cluster autoscaler to make sure that only the VMs that are actually needed for each customer are running. For smaller customers, you may wanna use this with small (and cheap) machine types.

  2. Another option would be to, as mentioned in the comments, use namespaces. However you would have to configure the cluster properly as there exist ways of accessing services in different namespaces.

  3. Implement customer isolation in your own software running on a cluster. This would imply forcing your software to access only the database for a given customer, but I would not recommend to go this route.

-- Alberto Pau
Source: StackOverflow