JMeter Non HTTP response code: when running on Kubernetes


I am running my JMeter on Azure Kubernetes for load testing. JMeter uses HTTP sampler to call Azure function( HTTP endpoint) to generate load. I am getting error message Response code:Non HTTP response code: Response message:Non HTTP response message: on kubernetes.

I ran my JMeter test in Azure virtual machine and I am not getting any issue. I am using same test plan (jmx file) for both Kuberenetes and virtual machine and same Azure function is used in both cases.

Please let me know why getting error Response code:Non HTTP response code: Response message:Non HTTP response message: when running on Kubernetes.

I am using following configurations

  1. JMeter - 5.2.1
  2. Kubernetes - 1.19.9
  3. Jmx file has 150 threads

Regards, Amit Agrawal

-- Amit Agrawal

1 Answer


I doubt that this is a JMeter problem, most probably your pod doesn't have the Internet access for some reason, you might want to get familiarized with the following materials:

However if JMeter is the only piece of software having this problem you might want to increase JMeter's logging verbosity for HTTP protocol by adding the next lines to log4j2.xml file:

<Logger name="org.apache.http" level="debug" />
<Logger name="org.apache.http.wire" level="error" />
<Logger name="org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http" level="debug" />

One of the possible reasons is that locally you configured JMeter to use your corporate proxy for accessing the Internet and by accident forgot to remove this settings for your k8s deployment

-- Dmitri T
Source: StackOverflow