I've created an EKS managed node cluster in US-EAST-2 with the following configuration:
- name: eks-worker-nodegroup
instanceType: m5.xlarge
desiredCapacity: 2
minSize: 2
maxSize: 3
volumeSize: 200
instanceName: eks-worker-node
ebsOptimized: true
volumeEncrypted: true
labels: {mynodegroup: qa-a}
mynodegroup: qa-a
imageBuilder: true
autoScaler: true
albIngress: true
cloudWatch: true
ebs: true
efs: true
I want to make use of Cluster Autoscaling and have been reviewing the documentation here, but need some guidance on understanding exactly how to implement it.
The eksctl
create cluster command created a single Autoscaling Group in AWS using the sizes I specified in the configuration above. This ASG spans all three Availability Zones for US-EAST-2. The documentation from Amazon, however, recommends setting up one ASG per Availability Zone.
The behavior I'm looking for is this:
My question is multifaceted...
Should I have designed my cluster configuration file differently in order to support one ASG per AZ (and therefore should tear down the infrastructure I've already created and start over)?
Is doing this as simple as manually creating new ASGs per AZ and then tagging each one identically to the default ASG that eksctl
created for me? If so, then deploying the Cluster Autoscaler after doing this should allow the manually created ASGs to be automatically detected - but is this the correct way to go about this?
What is the most appropriate way to achieve cluster autoscaling based on the behavior I'm seeking?
EDIT: Based on one of the comments below and re-reading AWS's docs, I'm now wondering if the approach of having a single Managed Nodegroup then manually creating AZ-specific ASGs is wrong.
Is the better approach to create multiple Managed Nodegroups, each restricted to its own AZ? This would have the effect of creating one ASG per AZ.