Why 10251 and 10252 port not used in k8s control plane?


I'm following this and am about to ask our IT team to open the hardware firewall port for me:

Control-plane node(s)

ProtocolDirectionPort RangePurposeUsed By
TCPInbound6443*Kubernetes API serverAll
TCPInbound2379-2380etcd server client APIkube-apiserver, etcd
TCPInbound10250kubelet APISelf, Control plane

Worker node(s)

ProtocolDirectionPort RangePurposeUsed By
TCPInbound10250kubelet APISelf, Control plane
TCPInbound30000-32767NodePort Services†All

Before I ask IT to open the hardware port for me, I checked my local environment which doesn't have a hardware firewall, and I see this:

# netstat -oanltp | grep 10250
tcp6       0      0 :::10250       :::*              LISTEN      3914/kubelet         off (0.00/0/0)
# netstat -oanltp | grep 10251
# netstat -oanltp | grep 10252

You can see that nothing is listening on 10251 and 10252. But my kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager are running, and everything looks OK:

kube-system   kube-controller-manager-shlava     1/1     Running     0          47h   
kube-system   kube-scheduler-shlava              1/1     Running     0          47h   

So I wonder: is it normal that nothing is listening on 10251 and 10252?

-- atline

1 Answer


The answer is: it depends.

  • You may have specified a different port for serving HTTP with --port flag
  • You may have disabled serving HTTP altogether with --port 0
  • You are using latest version of K8s

Last one is most probable as Creating a cluster with kubeadm states it is written for version 1.21

Ports 10251 and 10252 have been replaced in veresion 1.17 (see more here)

Kubeadm: enable the usage of the secure kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager ports for health checks. For kube-scheduler was 10251, becomes 10259. For kube-controller-manager was 10252, becomes 10257.

Moreover, this functionality is depracted in 1.19 (more here)

Kube-apiserver: the componentstatus API is deprecated. This API provided status of etcd, kube-scheduler, and kube-controller-manager components, but only worked when those components were local to the API server, and when kube-scheduler and kube-controller-manager exposed unsecured health endpoints. Instead of this API, etcd health is included in the kube-apiserver health check and kube-scheduler/kube-controller-manager health checks can be made directly against those components' health endpoints.

It seems some parts of documentation are outdated.

-- p10l
Source: StackOverflow