Cluster Autoscaler on EKS during scale-down ignores pod annotation & node annotations


I'm using Cluster-autoscaler (v1.18.3) on Amazon EKS (Cluster version 1.18). Every time we've an increase in load the cluster-autoscaler adds new nodes to deal with the extra load. But when the load decreases cluster-autoscaler need to reduce the number of nodes back to minimum. Since I've set on all the Statefulsets pod template the annotation "": "false" I do not expect the cluster-autoscaler to remove any node that contains any pods having this annotation. I can also see cluster-autoscaler logs showing 1 cluster.go:168] Fast evaluation: node cannot be removed: pod annotated as not safe to evict present: jenkins-0 but still cluster-autoscaler removes this exact same nodes (that contain the statefulset pods).

I've noticed cluster-autoscaler is always removing oldest nodes from the cluster when scaling in.

I also tried setting node annotations of "": "true" on the nodes which contain those important Jenkins statefulset pods. But still cluster-autoscaler will always remove the oldest nodes in the cluster. No matter what node / pod annotations I set it will always remove the oldest nodes.

The issue

I don't want nodes that contain Statefulset pods which I've annotated as "": "false" to be removed. The new nodes that were launched to deal with the load should be the ones that should be removed.

I also do not expect cluster-autoscaler to remove a node that has annotation "": "true" to be removed.

The oldest nodes are the ones that are always removed. Why is this happening? I've opened an issue/bug 3 weeks before opening this post but this hasn't been commented or picked up by anyone.

How I've setup cluster-autoscaler?

Deployed cluster autoscaler using AWS Documentation or

How to produce the issue?

Ensure you've setup an EKS cluster with 2 node groups (One per Az) with 1 node min in each node group. 1. Install Jenkins statefulset using helm chart 2. Annotate pods in values file

    "": "false"

Note: I've just mentioned the podAnnotations here as the values file is more than 200 lines of code setting different things like pvc, config as code, plugins etc.

  1. Deploy cluster-autoscaler from AWS documentation.
  2. Now to produce some load on the cluster create a simple Deployment of Nginx (3GBRAM, 2CPU) & Scale out to 50 replicas. Cluster Autoscaler will add new EC2 nodes.
  3. Now scale down replicas to 0 and wait for 10 mins for Cluster Autoscaler to scale down. Cluster Autoscaler will log output like 1 cluster.go:168] Fast evaluation: node cannot be removed: pod annotated as not safe to evict present: jenkins-0 but still remove this exact node.

Tried Configurations

Cluster-autoscaler images tried: 1.18.3, 1.18.2 on Kubernetes 1.18 cluster. Also tried images 1.19.2 on Kubernetes 1.19 cluster with exact same results.

Ran cluster-autoscaler with configuration:

  - command: 
    - ./cluster-autoscaler 
    - --v=4 
    - --stderrthreshold=info 
    - --cloud-provider=aws 
    - --skip-nodes-with-local-storage=false 
    - --expander=least-waste 
    - --balance-similar-node-groups 
    - --skip-nodes-with-system-pods=false

also tried:

   - command: 
     - ./cluster-autoscaler 
     - --v=4 
     - --stderrthreshold=info 
     - --cloud-provider=aws 
     - --expander=least-waste 
     - --balance-similar-node-groups
-- Sohrab

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