How to select SUSPEND=False
can't be used as suspend
is not added in the labels.
you can't select spec.suspend on a kubectl filter.
You could make your own jq filter
(this is just an example and could be a lot cleaner)
k get cronjob --output=json |
jq -c 'select( .items[].spec.suspend == false)' |
jq '.items[] | + " " + .spec.schedule + " "
+ (.spec.suspend|tostring) + " " +'
Or if you don't mind a little golang
// Look at
// for the other parameters (like using current kubectl context).
func getCronsBySuspend(clientset *kubernetes.Clientset, namespace string) {
cjs, err := clientset.BatchV1().CronJobs(namespace).List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
var c []string
for _, cron := range cjs.Items {
if *cron.Spec.Suspend == false {
c = append(c, cron.Name)
fmt.Printf("%v", c)