Persistent volume with ReadWriteMany in GKE?


Is there a way to make a volume as ReadWriteMany instead of having a NFS share? Does GCP support ReadWriteMany volumes? I'm right now using NFS share and a persistent volume pointing it to NFS Share and then mounting it to pods. But this has a issue.

When NFS share has crashed or unable to connect, then all the pods that use this NFS persistent volume hangs. We can't even terminate the pods until the NFS issue is fixed. The pod doesn't crash either. We just had this issue and the pods were not responding for hours and terminating pod get stuck in terminating state. Once the NFS server issue is fixed then we can delete the pod and recreate it.

What can be done instead of having a NFS share?

-- John Doe

1 Answer


With Kubernetes, you need a NFS like persistent volume to ReadWriteMany. On Google Cloud, Filestore is the product to achieve that. You have a documentation that show you how to mount it to your pod

-- guillaume blaquiere
Source: StackOverflow