Azure Kubernetes Service: How to setup taint to whole node pool?


I have one node pool named "application pool" which contains node vm size of Standard_D2a_v4. This node pool is set to "Autoscaling". Is there in solution, where I taint the whole node pool in azure? to restrict the pods to schedule on that node pool?

-- Kaivalya Dambalkar

2 Answers


If you provisioned your cluster with Terraform, you can specify node_taints in azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool see here However, you can't add taints to default node pool

-- Anton Matsiuk
Source: StackOverflow


Taints can be setup with the [--node-taints] flag only when you are adding a node pool with az aks nodepool add command:

Add a node pool to the managed Kubernetes cluster.

az aks nodepool add --cluster-name

However, you cannot add taints to already existing node pool:

You can't change the node taints through CLI after the node pool is created.

A very similar topic is being discussed in this open thread.

So currently it is not possible to set taints to an existing node pool on AKS. But you can set them up while adding a new node pool to the managed cluster.

-- WytrzymaƂy Wiktor
Source: StackOverflow