Migrating from the Docker runtime to the Containerd runtime on a specific NODE kubernetes


I would like to know if it's possible to change the param --image-type COS_CONTAINERD in the google cloud command line but on a specific node.

I found this command below : gcloud container clusters upgrade CLUSTER_NAME --image-type COS_CONTAINERD --node-pool POOL_NAME

But it will update my entire node pool so it'will create a disturbance on my services web . Every node in my pool will be updated in the same time ( destroy & re-create ).

Or there is another way ???

I would like to know if you have the same topic / issue . It' will help me during this migration.

Thanks for your experience .

-- brunet julien

1 Answer


The command you are mentioning, will update all the nodes within the node pool.

I would suggest you trying to create a new node pool on your cluster and choose the COS_CONTAINERD image type, and once you have the new node pool with cos-containerd migrate your workload to the new node pool node(s) by following this process. This will also help you to manage the downtime.

-- Raul Bautista
Source: StackOverflow