ERRO[0000] Error fetching api: no Auth Provider found for name "gcp" -- GKE


When I try to install kubeye am getting the below error:

./ke install npd

ERRO[0000] Error fetching api: no Auth Provider found for name "gcp"
Failed to create configmap: no Auth Provider found for name "gcp"

Installing kubeeye: -- 
-- Maneek

1 Answer


Unfortunately, you won't be able to run kubeeye on GKE. To run kubeeye you must have access to Master and in GKE master is managed by Google so you won't have access to it. I think that GKE monitoring tools also provides similar functionality.

However, you can use kubeeye on Google Compute Engine where you can run some VMs and create Kubeadm cluster.

$ wget
$ sudo tar xzvf KubeEye-v0.1.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz

$ ./ke install npd
Installing NPD ...
Installation is successful. 

$ ./ke diag
ERRO[0000] Cache missed Installation/calico-system/default again 

NAME                 SEVERITY   TIME                   MESSAGE
scheduler            Fatal      2021-03-10T13:53:23Z   Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
controller-manager   Fatal      2021-03-10T13:53:23Z   Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused

NAMESPACE       SEVERITY   PODNAME                                                     EVENTTIME              REASON      MESSAGE
calico-system   Warning    calico-kube-controllers-6797d7cc89-9z68l.166afecf38ee349e   2021-03-10T13:39:42Z   Unhealthy   Readiness probe failed: 
calico-system   Warning    calico-typha-7cfcbbf67-xk2kg.166afebf69f9bc87               2021-03-10T13:38:34Z   Unhealthy   Readiness probe failed: Get "http://localhost:9098/readiness": dial tcp connect: connection refused
calico-system   Warning    calico-typha-7cfcbbf67-xk2kg.166afec031b30286               2021-03-10T13:38:37Z   Unhealthy   Liveness probe failed: Get "http://localhost:9098/liveness": dial tcp connect: connection refused
default         Warning    liveness-http.166ab3f5b34b41de            

Just as additional informaton, in itnext article KubeEye: An Automatic Diagnostic Tool that Provides a Holistic View of Your Kubernetes Cluster you can find comment from google engineer which pointing that kubeeye is useless on GKE.

-- PjoterS
Source: StackOverflow