Can kubernetes provide a pod with an emptyDir volume from the host backed by a specific filesystem different than the host's?


I know this is a bit weird, but I'm building an application that makes small local changes to ephemeral file/folder systems and needs to sync them with a store of record. I am using NFS right now, but it is slow, not super scalable, and expensive. Instead, I'd love to take advantage of btrfs or zfs snapshotting for efficient syncing of snapshots of a small local filesystem, and push the snapshots into cloud storage.

I am running this application in Kubernetes (in GKE), which uses GCP VMs with ext4 formatted root partitions. This means that when I mount an emptyDir volume into my pods, the folder is on an ext4 filesystem I believe.

Is there an easy way to get an ephemeral volume mounted with a different filesystem that supports these fancy snapshotting operations?

-- hornairs

1 Answer


No. Nor does GKE offer that kind of low level control anyway but the rest of this answer presumes you've managed to create a local mount of some kind. The easiest answer is a hostPath mount, however that requires you manually account for multiple similar pods on the same host so they don't collide. A new option is an ephemeral CSI volume combined with a CSI plugin that basically reimplements emptyDir. gets most of the way there but would 1) require more work for this use case and 2) is explicitly not supported for production use. Failing either of those, you can move the whole kubelet data directory onto another mount, though that might not accomplish what you are looking for.

-- coderanger
Source: StackOverflow