I am trying to create a Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm
in ubuntu 18.04
by following the link but getting errors while using initializing the cluster as below:
kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address=192.168.x.x --pod-network-cidr=
This can take up to 4m0s
[kubelet-check] Initial timeout of 40s passed.`
Unfortunately, an error has occurred:
`timed out waiting for the condition`
This error is likely caused by:
- The kubelet is not running
- The kubelet is unhealthy due to a misconfiguration of the node in some way (required cgroups disabled)
If you are on a systemd-powered system, you can try to troubleshoot the error wi th the following commands:
- 'systemctl status kubelet'
- 'journalctl -xeu kubelet'
Additionally, a control plane component may have crashed or exited when started by the container runtime.
To troubleshoot, list all containers using your preferred container runtimes CLI , e.g. docker.
Here is one example how you may list all Kubernetes containers running in docker :
- 'docker ps -a | grep kube | grep -v pause'
Once you have found the failing container, you can inspect its logs with :
- 'docker logs CONTAINERID'
error execution phase wait-control-plane: couldn't initialize a Kubernetes cluster
To see the stack trace of this error execute with --v=5 or higher
I looked the error, in google and got a link below https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/83225
but this did not solve my problem either.
Please help with this.
Thank you in advance.
I have the images downloaded as below.
k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy v1.20.2 43154ddb57a8 12 days ago 118MB
k8s.gcr.io/kube-controller-manager v1.20.2 a27166429d98 12 days ago 116MB
k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver v1.20.2 a8c2fdb8bf76 12 days ago 122MB
k8s.gcr.io/kube-scheduler v1.20.2 ed2c44fbdd78 12 days ago 46.4MB
k8s.gcr.io/etcd 3.4.13-0 0369cf4303ff 5 months ago 253MB
k8s.gcr.io/coredns 1.7.0 bfe3a36ebd25 7 months ago 45.2MB
k8s.gcr.io/pause 3.2 80d28bedfe5d 11 months ago 683kB