Azure Linux web app - Error eisdir illegal operation on a directory read


I am getting an issue with my web app hosted on linux app service plan. It is a static gatsby site and is running perfectly fine in kubernetes. I want to run this in Azure web app (Linux app service plan) but the refresh is not working except for the home page. This works perfectly in my local as well. I have below settings in my web app: -

enter image description here

Suppose my website homepage URL is and when I navigate to the help page ( it works fine. But, if I refresh the page or try to go to the URL directly it gives me an error: - "Sorry, check with the site admin for error: EISDIR ..". I checked in kudu control and can see the same error. I compared the zip deployment files for the web app with the Kubernetes version and both look the same.I am not sure what is the issue here. Could someone help?

-- TechGuru

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