AKS cluster creation fails with error 'Security rule has invalid Port range'


We are creating an AKS cluster, but it fails at the deployment stage with the below error,

'Security rule has invalid Port range. Value provided: 22,3389. Value should be an integer OR integer range with '-' delimiter. Valid range 0-65535.. Details: [] (Code: SecurityRuleInvalidPortRange)'

We tried using both UI and CLI, but it fails. Please let me know if somebody is aware of this issue.

Thanks, Arun

-- Arun

1 Answer


Problem you have mentioned is clear and says that you have defined wrong port number - 223389. While port range is 0-65535.

Probably you wanted to set up destination_port ranges- it should look like: destination_port_ranges = ["22", "3389"]

Similar problem: invalid-port-range-aks.

-- Malgorzata
Source: StackOverflow