Istio - Dynamic request routing based on header-values


Dynamic request routing based on header-values

For our QA environment we need to configure a special kind of routing for the incoming (Ingress), but also for the outgoing (Egress) requests. So for outgoing requests the rule should evaluate a header value with a regex and capture a value from the header and build with that value the URL where the request should be redirected. The value in the header is dynamically changed, so the redirect URL can not be hardcoded.

For example if the outgoing requests goes to, but there's a header value forwarded-for-feature with the value verbu-1234 the request should be redirected

For incoming requests it's a similar condition. If the origin points to, but the request goes to the regex should extract verbu-1234 from the origin domain and replace master in the URL with the extracted value.

I know, that it's possible to use a regex to match header values, but I'm not sure, if it's possible to use captured values from a match to influence the target URL, at least I couldn't find that in the documentation.

-- Jan Baer

1 Answer


I don't think this is possible

But if your QA system knows the features available, and you need to do that in Istio, you might try creating a VirtualService for each feature. And multiple VirtualServices would be merged by Istio...

-- user140547
Source: StackOverflow