Unable to see my react application after deploying into Kubernetes


I've followed this reference to deploy my simple react application into Kubernetes.


enter image description here

But after deploying, I can't see my application in the browser.

So I tried to set external ip address using this command line

kubectl patch svc XXX -p '{"spec":{"externalIPs":[""]}}'

Reference is here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44519980/assign-external-ip-to-a-kubernetes-service

enter image description here

But I can't see my application deployed in the browser.

Here is my deployment.yml file

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  creationTimestamp: null
    app: test-app
  name: test-app
  replicas: 5
      app: test-app
  strategy: {}
      creationTimestamp: null
        app: test-app
      - image: XXX.dkr.ecr.XXX.amazonaws.com/XXX/XXX:v1
        name: test-app
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        resources: {}
          - containerPort: 3000
status: {}


apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: test-app
    run: test-app
  - port: 3000
    protocol: TCP
    app: test-app
  type: NodePort

Please give me any advice. Thank you...

-- Maxsym Kosov

2 Answers


If you want to expose your application with a NodePort you can have a look How do I expose the Kubernetes services running on my Amazon EKS cluster?:

  • It looks like your Deployment is missing a targetPort.
  • kubectl get nodes should return the NodeIP.
  • NodeIP:NodePort should be reachable if you enable the security group of the nodes to allow incoming traffic through port 31300.
-- mathieux51
Source: StackOverflow


You are mixing 2 ways to expose service outside. You want to use NodePort but you are setting ExternalIP.

Issue root cause

In your setup, you are using NodePort so you need to use ExternalIP of the node with NodePort which is 31300 (more details below).

Setting ExternalIP in NodePort service in this setup is pointless (also is InternalIP which allows you to connect only in cluster).

In your example, you are trying to reach application using your application port number, but you should use service nodePort number, which is 31300.


A Service can map any incoming port to a targetPort. By default and for convenience, the targetPort is set to the same value as the port field.

Exposing application

Generally, you have 3 main ways to expose your application:

I don't have access to medium article, but I guess in this tutorial NodePort was used.

In this configuration, you have to use serviceType: NodePort. To connect using nodeport, you have to use ExternalHostIP:NodePort. As you are using cloud environment, your VM should already have ExternalIP.

ExternalHostIP is IP address of node, where application endpoint pod was deployed. To get ExternalIP of Node you can use command. $ kubectl get node -o wide

To get information on what node, specific pod was deployed you can execute command `$ kubectl get po <podname> -o wide

NodePort number is assigned from range 30000-32767.

IMPORTANT Please remember to configure fiewall to allow traffic on this specific port, or if it's just for testing you can allow whole range 30000-32767.

Example Let's say your application pod was deployed on Node with ExternalIP: and your service NodePort is 31300.

If you configured firewall rules correctly and right containerPort (your application must listen on this port) was set, when you will use in the browser, you should reach your application.

In this option, service is LoadBalancer type, which means that cloud is creating LB with ExternalIP. You just need to enter this IP in your browser to reach your application. However, please remember that LoadBalancer is extra paid.

In this option you have to use some kind of Ingress Controller. Most common is Nginx Ingress Controller. In this option, depends of your needs you can create Ingress as NodePort or LoadBalancer option.

Usefull links

Please let me know if you was able to reach your application or you have further questions.

-- PjoterS
Source: StackOverflow