Hashicorp Waypoint Getting Timedout in local K3S


I was trying to us Waypoint to install its entrypoint https://www.waypointproject.io/docs/server/run

But it seems to just hang indefinitely until it times. It's supposed to automatically bootstrap its context for the CLI by doing the install.

I'm running this under WSL 2 in Windows 10 Pro, with kubernetes k3s version:

Client Version: v1.19.3
Server Version: v1.19.3+k3s3

This is the result after I ran waypoint install -accept-tos:

✓ Creating Kubernetes resources...
✓ Creating Kubernetes resources...
✓ Creating Kubernetes resources...
✓ Creating Kubernetes resources...
 │ service/waypoint created
 │ statefulset.apps/waypoint-server created
✓ Kubernetes StatefulSet reporting ready
❌ Waiting for Kubernetes service to become ready..
! Error waiting for service ready: timed out waiting for the condition

Any guidance on this would be very helpful. Thank you

-- gnomeria

1 Answer


If you ran into this with minikube here is my solution

waypoint service uses a loadBalancer type so you need to expose them

so run minikube tunnel in separate terminal (sometimes root password needed) before you run waypoint install --platform=kubernete

-- Abderrahim Soubai-Elidrisi
Source: StackOverflow