Get total memory usage per node in prometheus


I want to query the total memory usage per node in the last week.

Here's the query I am using:

sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container_name!="POD"}) by (node)

Interestingly, the numbers returned are larger than the physical memory of the nodes.

I am using m5.large EC2 instances(2core, 8GB ram) for all my kubernetes nodes.

What would be the correct query to get total memory per node?

-- laocius

1 Answer


You are already using the best approximation for example according to this blogpost. The issue is that even depending on the software the respective container is running (Python, Golang, etc.) the way to measure the "real" memory usage differs.

But from what I understand container_memory_working_set_bytes is the best choice for getting data about individual containers.

-- trallnag
Source: StackOverflow