Useing k8s kompose convert results in unknown stuff


I'm currently trying to migrate my deployment from docker-swarm to RKE/k8s but I'm running into issues where I'm not sure how to resolve those or how to bypass them.

my docker-compose.yml is about 700 lines long and contains about 15 containers. if I trigger the cmd. "kompose convert" a lot of yaml files getting generated but also a lot of warnings where I'm unsure how to interpret those ...

For example:

  • WARN Volume mount on the host "/glusterfs/system/logs/db/maxscale" isn't supported - ignoring path on the host
  • WARN Volume mount on the host "/var/run/docker.sock" isn't supported - ignoring path on the host
  • WARN Ignore pid in secrets for service: celery-beat
  • WARN External secrets elastic_pwd is not currently supported - ignoring
  • WARN External secrets redis_pwd is not currently supported - ignoring
  • WARN node.role constraints in placement is not supported, only 'node.hostname', 'engine.labels.operatingsystem' and '' (ex: node.labels.something == anything) is supported as a constraint

So my question is: Where should i start to fix things up and how to mitigate these issues?! As you can already imagine I'm new to RKE/k8s

Thanks in advance

-- user14389292

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