Deployment.yaml Template file string substitution with sed, all that match a pattern with env var $_<pattern>


I have a kubernetes deployment template like the following

[...other stuff...]

I want to instruct my cloudbuild.yaml to replace occurences of _SOME_THING to the actual value of the environment variable $_SOME_THING. I know I can execute Bash commands so I tried this with sed:

# \x27 is the character '
entrypoint: 'bash'
      - '-eEuo'
      - 'pipefail'
      - '-c'
      - |-
        sed -n 's%\([A-Z][A-Z_0-9]*\):[[:space:]]*_\1[[:space:]]*$%sed -i \
        \x27s;_\1[[:space:]]*$;\x27\$_\1\x27;g\x27 $_K8S_YAML_FILE%gp' \
        $_K8S_YAML_FILE | sh

The idea is generating a substitution commands for each variable and then piping them to shell. The generated commands look good:

sed -i 's;_ENV_VAR_1[[:space:]]*$;'$_ENV_VAR_1';g' $_K8S_YAML_FILE
sed -i 's;_ENV_VAR_2[[:space:]]*$;'$_ENV_VAR_2';g' $_K8S_YAML_FILE
sed -i 's;_ENV_VAR_ETC[[:space:]]*$;'$_ENV_VAR_ETC';g' $_K8S_YAML_FILE

And the whole thing work when I execute it in git bash after setting the env variables with export, but when executing it through the cloudbuild.yaml the file is modified like this:

[...other stuff...]
  ENV_VAR_1: 1
  ENV_VAR_2: 1

I think I'm missing some escape or the command line options passed to bash (-eEuo) are messing things up, but I have no clue. Any solution, even not using sed for the task (but requiring no additional tool to install) would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

-- ilmirons

1 Answer


I came to the conclusion the thing I'm trying to achieve is not possible. Starting a shell via cloudbuild as above and trying to print out env variables (via printenv) and shell variables (set -o posix ; set) does not show any of my variables, that where set as trigger substitution. As far as I know this may actually be what the name says, that is string replacement that are performed on the actual file before it is processed. The evidence is in no way i can pull out the value of those reference if not directly writing them in the file. Any strategy of building a reference and then having it evaluated has failed. Final solution I adopted (that keep the nuisance of having to update the file for every new variable but reads and deal with escapes much better than sed) is the envsubst cloudbuilder (, propagating each var from file to the shell (env: ['_MY_VAR=$_MYVAR', ...])

-- ilmirons
Source: StackOverflow