I am looking for a way to isolate which of my review environments process which jobs.
We are using delayed_job and am running some kubernetes alias clusters based on a master cluster.
Is this at all possible? I found a way to prefix the worker's name simply, but I can't find a way to pass this on to the actual job.
Any help is appreciated.
The way I figured it should work is something like this.
I'm not sure if this is the right way to go, perhaps the same thing could be achieved using the lifecycle events? I just add a column and use the lifecycle events to add the data and query it?
Crossposted to collectiveidea/delayed_job/issues/1125
Eventually, I ended up with the following solution. Add a varchar column named cluster to the delayed_jobs table and BOOM. Works like a charm.
require 'delayed/backend/active_record'
module Delayed
module Backend
module ActiveRecord
class Configuration
attr_accessor :cluster
# A job object that is persisted to the database.
# Contains the work object as a YAML field.
class Job < ::ActiveRecord::Base
READY_SQL = <<~SQL.squish.freeze
((cluster = ? AND run_at <= ? AND (locked_at IS NULL OR locked_at < ?)) OR locked_by = ?) AND failed_at IS NULL
before_save :set_cluster
def self.ready_to_run(worker_name, max_run_time)
where(READY_SQL, cluster, db_time_now, db_time_now - max_run_time, worker_name)
# When a worker is exiting, make sure we don't have any locked jobs.
def self.clear_locks!(worker_name)
where(cluster: cluster, locked_by: worker_name)
.update_all(locked_by: nil, locked_at: nil) # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations
def self.cluster
def set_cluster
self.cluster ||= self.class.cluster
Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord.configuration.cluster = ENV['CLUSTER'] if ENV['CLUSTER']