Rejecting new http requests when memory usage is high in GoLang


I have a simple http server written in Go that accepts big chunks of data (up to 5MB per single request in some cases, but can be even tens of KB, depends on the usage pattern). Then server asynchronously processes received data by adding it to the buffer from which one of the workers (goroutines) pick ups a task. This server is running as a container in kubernetes and has a memory limit set. Also unfortunately I'm not allowed to use HPA as only one pod is allowed per client.

Problem occurs when, someone tries to send a lot of big chunks of data to my server, due to memory limit kubelet kills my container and as a result all data stored in the buffer is lost.

I have tried next ways to mitigate a problem: 1. Remove memory limit in pod specs. Unfortunately my server is running in multitenant environment and I'm forced to set memory limit. 2. Limited a number of requests processed in flight by adding a buffered channel and timeout when request can't be added to it in 10 seconds. This has partially mitigated a problem. But first it's quite tricky to find a good balance between a buffer size and timeout, second if client has a lot of small requests server is dropping part of them even if it has a lot of free memory.

I have found that I get current memory usage of my binary by calling runtime.GetMemStats. So my next idea is to drop requests if for example memory goes above some threshold (80%). Is it the only solution to resolve a problem?

-- kobra

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