I just updated an old kubernetes cluster from version 1.12 to 1.13, and i'm trying to generate new config files for it so i can continue to use the cluster after the old expiration date.
It doesn't appear that i am able to generate new config files in this version of kubeadm though, which seems odd. So hoping im missing some painfully obvious solution here.
I know in other versions of kubeadm(both older and newer), you can run commands similar to
sudo kubeadm alpha phase kubeconfig all
kubeadm alpha certs renew admin.conf
to generate new confs, but from what i can tell, kubeadm in 1.13 does not have options for the conf files, only the certs. So I was hoping someone might know of a way to generate new versions of the following files for a v1.13 kubernetes cluster using kubeadm,,,
Found the answer. Was missing something painfully obvious as i expected. The command to gen the configs was in the init branch of commands unlike in the alpha branch of commands where i was used to them being.
kubeadm init phase kubeconfig all